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Texas Health Surgery Center Park Hill

Sports Medicine

Sports medicine, specifically, is a multidisciplinary field connected with orthopedics, because it particularly focuses on musculoskeletal problems or injuries due to sports, exercise, and recreational activities.

Sports Medicine

What Is Sports Medicine?

Sports medicine, specifically, is a multidisciplinary field connected with orthopedics, because it particularly focuses on musculoskeletal problems or injuries due to sports, exercise, and recreational activities. Sports medicine is an area of orthopedics that is rapidly growing, and many sports medicine doctors are board certified orthopedic surgeons.

Surgeons For Orthopedic Surgery and Sports Medicine

Michael H. Boothby, MD – Orthopedic Surgery & Sports Medicine

Bret D. Beavers, MD – Orthopedic Surgery & Sports MedicineUpper Body-Miscellaneous Orthopedic Surgery

Claviculectomy Partial
Excision Clavicle (Mumford Pro)
Excision Cyst; Clavicle
Excision Cyst Mandible; Complete
Excision Distal Tip Clavicle
Excision Tumor/Cyst: Skull, Face
Excision Tumor, Back or Flank
Excision Tumor, Soft Tissue, Neck, Thorax
Excision Tumor, Thorax or NeckRotator Cuff Problems

Upper Arm/Elbow/Shoulder

Arthroplasty w/proximal humerus
Arthrotomy-elbow for biopsy
Arthrotomy-elbow w/ exploration
Coracoacromial release
Excision mass-shoulder
Excision olecranon bursa elbow
Excision radial head
Excision tumor-upper arm/elbow
Fasciotomy (tennis elbow)
Implant removal-elbow
ORIF elbow
ORIF radial head or neck
Shoulder arthroscopy
Shoulder arthroscopy w/ acromionectomy
Shoulder arthroscopy w/ debridement
Shoulder arthroscopy w/ removal loose body
Shoulder separation/open repair


Arthrodesis wrist joint w/ iliac bone graft
Arthrotomy/wrist w/ exploration
Dequervain’s release wrist
Distal radial fracture w/ pinning
Excision distal ulna
Excision foreign body-forearm, wrist
Excision ganglion cyst-wrist
Excision ganglion-wrist, recurrent
Fasciectomy-partial excision wrist
Neurolysis per nerve arm
Neurolysis-transposition ulnar
Open treatment fractured wrist
ORIF wrist
Synovectomy, extensor, wrist
Synovectomy w/ resection distal radius/ulna
Tendon repair-wrist, flexor
Tenodesis at wrist extensor
Treatment closed fracture distal
Treatment closed radial & ulnar fracture w/fixation
Wrist tendon sheath incision

Hand Surgery

Upper Leg/Knee Surgery

Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction- ACL
Arthroplasty, knee, tibial
Arthroscopy excision plica
Arthroscopy knee, diagnostic
Arthroscopy knee, removal foreign body
Arthroscopy knee, synovectomy
Arthroscopy lateral retinacular release
Arthroscopy menisectomy/medial/lateral
Arthrotomy knee w/exploration
Excision bone; partial; knee; thigh
Excision bursa; knee
Excision foreign body knee
Excision popliteal mass knee/bursa
Excision tumor; hip area/deep
Excision tumor; knee, thigh
Lateral retinacular release
Manipulation knee
Meniscus repair
Patella stabilization
Posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction – PCL
Removal foreign body thigh or knee
Tenotomy hamstring

Foreleg/Ankle Aurgery

Ankle reconstruction; ligament reconstruction
Arthotomy, ankle
Closed/open malleolar fracture
Closed/open talus fracture
Condylectomy, phalanx base
Excision bone cyst; tumor; tibia
Excision bone tibia, partial
Neurolysis per nerve leg
Open trimalleolar ankle fracture

Foot Surgery

Amputation, toe
Arthrodesis, great toe
Capsulotomy midfoot
Excision lesion, foot
Excision lesion, toes
Excision neuroma, foot
Hallux valgus/exostectomy
Hallux valgus/meta osteo
Hallux valgus/phalanx osteo
Hammertoe, one toe
Neurolysis foot
Ostectomy 1st metatarsal
Ostectomy 5th metatarsal
Ostectomy excision metatarsal/bunionectomy
Ostectomy other 1st metatarsal
Ostectomy, partial
Ostectomy, tarsal coalition
Phalangectomy toe, single
Resection head phalanx, toes
Sesamoidectomy, first toe
Tarsal tunnel release
Tenotomy, abductor hallux muscle
Tenotomy extensor foot/toe
Tenotomy, open foot
Tenotomy, open toe
Tenotomy, Open Toe

Miscellaneous Bone Joint Surgrey

Arthroplasty prosthetic replace/remove
Arthrotomy for excision torn cartilage
Arthrotomy for synovial biopsy
Aspiration, arthrocentesis
Bone graft, major
Curettage cyst or tumor
Debridement shaving art. cartilage
Excision/curettage bone cyst/tumor
Excision lesion, tendon sheath
Hardware removal/deep
Insertion wire/pin w/traction
ORIF; articular
Ostectomy, calcaneus
Partial excision, bone
Synovectomy major

Soft Tissue Orthopedic Surgery

Arthrotomy for biopsy; carcinoma
Biopsy, excisional, deep
Excision biopsy soft tissue
Excision neurofibroma/neurolemma
Excision of bursa; extensors
Excision tendon repair w/graft/transfer
Excision tendon; flexor, single
Fasciotomy lateral/medial
Internal neurolysis dissection
Neurolysis-transposition median
Removal foreign body; deep; arm, elbow
Suture of one nerve
Synovectomy flexor tendon
Tendon lengthen/shorten
Tendon transfer w/graft
Tissue graft
Interpretation of x-rays performed within the facility

Please contact Park Hill Surgery Center for additional information, phone 682-223-5555.