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Phone: 817-585-1900
Fax: 817-585-1899
Billing:  817-409-3459

About Us

Our management team is focused on providing the highest level of care and communication to our patient, physician specialists and their staff.

We greatly value our patients and their families’ confidence in entrusting us with their safety, comfort, and convenience while we provide optimal clinical care.

The physicians enjoy a partnership that provides an efficient extension to their offices for cost effective alternatives, and time saving features to augment today’s medical practice.

A foundation for our team – we respectfully pledge our commitment to provide training, education and the advancement of the work environment though dedicated corporate support.

Our Leadership

Administrator/Director of Facility Development:Tansie Stewart, MSHA, BSN, RN, CASC

Our Mission

Park Hill Surgery Center’s mission is to provide unparalleled ambulatory surgical care in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex and to be innovative in the changing healthcare model.  We continuously strive to be at the cutting-edge of surgical services with unsurpassed highly personalized patient care, excellent physician and staff services, and state-of-the-art equipment.

Value Statement

At Park Hill Surgery Center we are dedicated to upholding our values which  are the qualities that distinguish our center from any other.  We are committed to:

Dignity of the Individual and Putting Patients First

Our first priority is recognizing the importance of each patient.  We acknowledge and respect the rights, privileges and autonomy of every patient.

Integrity and Accountability

The physicians and staff operate with the utmost responsibility, and transparency.  We strive for the highest ethical standards in all of our patient and interpersonal interactions.  We strive to bring value to our patients and to all our stakeholders.


We respect our peers and fellow employees.  Our goal is to continuously provide a workplace environment that is conducive to creating a culture of service to our patients, physicians, and fellow staff members.  We will endeavor to respect your  time.

Excellence with Compassion is our Primary Goal

Our goal  is excellence in everything we do, from thorough training for our staff through continuous quality assessment, improvement, and reporting. Our team of exceptional physicians and staff are focused on impeccable service to our patients.

Team Achievement and Patient Satisfaction

Our success is measured by the satisfaction of our patients.  Our team strives to exceed our patients’ expectations and needs, providing an experience second-to-none.